Saturday, March 15, 2008


How would you define beauty?
It is so vast, to me, it is...
-The bright sunshine
-The various shades of purple
-The flutter of butterflies
-A child's laughter
-The chirp of birds
-A cool breeze
-The sun's warmth
-Spring showers
-Blooming flowers
-Mama's singing
-Delicate, moist pound cakes
-Grandma's red beans & rice
-Grandma's roti
-Crown of gray hair
-Clear, crystal waters of the Caribbean Sea
-First fall of snow
-Stillness of being in a room alone
-Joyous Salvation by Joann Rosario
-The Holy Spirit
-Jesus the Christ in His Birth, His Life, His Death, and His Coming
-Being comfortable in the skin you are in and being gracious for God's blessings.